Market Research

“Knowledge is Power (scientia potentia est)” – Sir Francis Bacon

Too many companies struggle to move forward dealing with day-to-day challenges and putting together business and marketing plans that seem like they should work, but then fall flat. Without the right industry, market, and customer intelligence, a marketing plan is no better than setting out to sea in a boat with no rudder—you’re at the mercy of every wave and current.

Let CorningWorks targeted market research services get you back on course.

Market Research & Analysis

Scoping out a new market? Want to understand the latest trends in your industry? Need to identify your competitors’ strengths and weaknesses? Our market research experts get you the relevant, actionable information you need to make effective marketing and strategy decisions.

We provide:

  • Secondary research – tapping into worldwide data sources and a network of experts in a wide range of industries to assess and provide insights you can use: industry analysis, market sizing, competitor analysis, company profiling, customer segments, customer targeting, trends, and more.
  • Primary research – using survey tools and/or interviews to provide market validation studies, customer retention studies, win/loss analysis, or message testing services.


Surveys are a valuable tool—a means to a better end—whether it’s more loyal customers, enhanced product competitiveness, reduced employee turnover, or better allocation of scarce resources. But as useful as they are, you don’t have enough hours in your day to become a survey research expert. You just need them to work!

CorningWorks provides any level of support—from just a quick review and coaching on your internal survey, to full-service outsourcing of your entire survey project to our team. Our consultants and survey analysts help you develop, fine-tune, and execute effective surveys for:

  • Customer satisfaction
  • Product development
  • Training needs and course evaluations
  • Member feedback
  • Employee opinions
  • And many other applications